Monday, 12 September 2016

Understanding your role on earth

'Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your soul'- James 1:21 . 

Your identity determines your role and when the Spirit gave birth to every new birth, the birth is always with a purpose. Understanding and fulfilling that purpose is your role

The big picture
We are spiritual beings and we are called souls. This is just as Gabriel and Michael are spiritual being called angels. Angels are created as messengers, Daniel 8:15-16 We are created to declare God to all being (1 Peter 1:10-12, Eph 3:10-11; 6:12). knowing your destiny is understanding what part of this declaration you occupy. 

Angels are many but each has different roles and so they have their different groups and names. Same with souls; there are different roles. In the bible, we have names that are for mentioned to achieve certain things, we have seen men that suddenly became inspired and they strived to get somethings achieved, We saw Jesus that said it is finished, Paul said I have completed my course. 

When you encountered God, you were given a name and a role (an identity) (Jesus gave Peter new name etc); do not be too surprised there is something written about you just as Jesus life was pre recorded. Each role is with a crown, it is like a post. Many contend for the same post but only one can occupy it. Paul said I strive.. Contending for your heavenly post is redeeming your soul and this can only be achieved by the power of the word.

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