Wednesday 16 November 2016

How to minister to God

The atmosphere of God longs for you the way a man long for a woman. He misses her and he beckons to her, while she too feels it in her spirit, such a connection!. 

Jesus withdrew himself to go and pray but he ended up spending the whole night Luke 6:12 (He wanted to go but God's Spirit did not let him) In the beginning, God came down at the cool of the day when He couldn't see Adam. 

Man is a special being, the missing link between the creator and the creatures (all creatures await our manifestation). Even the angels depend on us to understand the wisdom of God. We are the only being that can reach unto the heart of God. We can touch the heart of Jesus and make him stand. Acts 7:56. We can make him smile, we can make him feel satisfied, we can make him angry. Genesis 6:6. We have a direct tie to his heart; we are the only being He cannot completely ignore no matter how much we wrong him. It was easy for Him to punish the fallen angels for eternity, it was easy for Him to destroy animals, but He cannot stand a falling soul (John 3:16). 

He loves you, long for you. So you have a duty to him, that is, you are to minister to Him. How? 

1. By exercising your faith, 
2. True worship, 
3. By interceding (Genesis 18:17-19). 

When you minister to God, God will feel your presence, that is when He feels you are alive.

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